Article II. Public Facilities Board*

§ 10-16. Creation of the public facilities board.
§ 10-17. Membership of the board.
§ 10-18. Organization of the board.
§ 10-19. General powers of the board.
§ 10-20. Additional authority of the board.
§ 10-21. Use of funds and revenues.
§ 10-22. Authority with respect to bonds.
§ 10-23. Meetings.
§ 10-24. Records.
§ 10-25. Annual reports.
§ 10-26. Amendment.

*  Editor's note— Ord. No. 89-OR-01, arts. 1—9, adopted January 25, 1989, deleted §§ 10-16—10-27, and substituted §§ 10-16—10-26 therefor. Former §§ 10-16—10-27 were concerned with similar provisions, and derived from Ord. No. 204, § 1-11, adopted November 28, 1978; Ord. No. 217, adopted February 8, 1979; Ord. No. 83-OR-27, adopted July 26, 1983; and Ord. No. 87-OR-74, adopted October 30, 1987. The public facilities board established herein was formerly known as the residential housing facilities board. Ord. No. 92-OR-26, adopted March 25, 1992, repealed and replaced the previous public facilities board provisions.

Cross reference— Administrative boards generality, § 2-71 et seq.