Article VIII. County Jail Revenue Bond Board*  

§ 2-285. Creation.
§ 2-286. Membership; chairman; executive director; compensation.
§ 2-287. General powers.
§ 2-288. Additional authority.
§ 2-289. Use of funds and revenues.
§ 2-290. Authority with respect to bonds.
§ 2-291. Meetings.
§ 2-292. Records.
§ 2-293. Annual reports.
§ 2-294. Amendment.
§ 2-295—2-304. Reserved.

*  Editor's note— Ord. No. 81-OR-33, §§ 1—10, enacted June 30, 1981, expressly amendatory of the Code, has been set out herein as art. VIII, §§ 2-285—2-294, at the editor's discretion.

Cross references— Court costs levied, credited to county jail revenue bond fund, § 4-6; sheriff, ch. 16.