Article II. Solid Waste Collection and Disposal*  

§ 8-16. General intention.
§ 8-17. Definitions.
§ 8-18. Collection—Procedures generally.
§ 8-19. Same—Heavy trash.
§ 8-20. Charges.
§ 8-21. Private, for-profit providers.
§ 8-22. Unlawful acts.
§ 8-23. Penalties.

*  Editor's note— Ord. No. 98-OR-106 repealed and replaced Ord. No. 93-OR-46 and Ord. No. 89-OR-32, §§ 1, 2, adopted May 1, 1989, which repealed Ord. No. 81-OR-57, Ord. No. 82-OR-16, and Ord. No. 84-OR-44 has been treated as superseding the provisions of former art. II, §§ 8-16—8-25. Former art. II was concerned with similar provisions, and derived from the following legislation:

Ord. No. Date Ord. No. Date
94 11-8-77 82-OR-5 1-26-82
183 9-26-78 82-OR-16 4-27-82
186 10-10-78 84-OR-4 2-29-84
237 5-22-79 84-OR-44 9-28-84
311 9-3-80 87-OR-8 2-25-87
81-OR-57 10-27-81 87-OR-102 12-4-87


Ord. No. 92-OR-04, adopted January 29, 1992, amended the monthly garbage collection rate established by art. 2 of Ord. No. 87-OR-102.