§ 8-18. Collection—Procedures generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All solid waste originating from households in the unincorporated areas of Pulaski County shall be placed within five (5) feet of the edge of the public road or street curb line nearest to the property of the residents. Residents who live on private roads, and do not meet the requirements of subsection (c) of this section, must transport their solid waste to the nearest pick up location or main thoroughfare. Solid waste thus generated and placed shall be collected once a week by department employees or entity hired by the department to collect solid waste.


    The Department shall collect any reasonable amount of solid waste placed, as prescribed in (a) above, in standard ninety-six (96) gallon garbage containers provided by the department, which remains the property of the entity hired by the department to collect solid waste.


    The term "public road" or "street" as used herein includes only dedicated county roads. Private roads are not considered dedicated roads. However, the Department will provide service on a private road under the following conditions:


    The road is passable to a garbage truck, to include a turnaround;


    There are three (3) or more households on the road;


    A resident from each household shall sign an agreement certifying that the road is adequate for a truck to safely travel on the road, allowing garbage trucks to travel on the road, agreeing that the private road will be maintained solely by the households on the private road, and agreeing to pay their garbage fees in a timely manner.


    Grass, brush, branches, hedge trimmings, Christmas trees, branch type materials, and the like shall also be collected by the department provided such materials are either placed in plastic bags, other covered containers or neatly bundled in lengths not to exceed four feet and two inches (4'2") in diameter, and placed alongside containers at the curb and further providing that such bags, containers or bundles of material do not exceed fifty (50) pounds each. Yard waste, which is defined as grass clippings, leaves and shrubbery trimmings must not be included with regular household solid waste. A separate collection route will be run for those items.

(Ord. No. 98-OR-106, Art. 1, 10-29-98; Ord. No. 16-OR-10, Art. 2, 3-23-16)